
Joytown Needs

There are so many needs at Joytown....Children need to be pushed to the dining hall. Some need help to eat. Some need a new uniform because theirs is so tattered. Some have wounds that need dressing. Most need hours of physical therapy. It can be absolutely overwhelming, but there is one need that has been met.
For about 5 months now, BethanyKids has been building new bathrooms at Joytown. Never thought I would say this about a bathroom, but they are just beautiful. Joytown consists of 9 dormitories, each with its own bathroom. Right now, they are awful. They do not have a sink to wash your hands and wheelchairs cannot fit into the stalls. This means that children must climb out of their wheelchairs and crawl to the toilet.

 Using the current bathrooms

So new bathrooms were a must. They are bigger, better, and have plenty of room for wheelchairs. They also have a sink and shower in each stall. Children with spina bifida use C.I.C. (Clean Intermittent Catherization) to empty their bladders and this is nearly impossible in the current bathrooms. They will be able to perform the process in a much easier and cleaner way in the new facility! At the moment, only 2 bathrooms are being built, which leaves 7 dorms with old bathrooms. Please pray BethanyKids will be able to raise funds to provide these great bathrooms for all the dorms. Read more about BethanyKids efforts at www.bethanykids.org.

New Bathrooms!

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