
Long Dirt Road

I have realized that running is universally painful. My legs always burn, I always lose my breathe--no matter the country. But the difference between my runs in Thika and Mississippi is not the altitude, the terrain, or the fact that I almost always trip over a goat here...
Most afternoons, I run up and down a little dirt road next to a field. A field filled with wheelchairs with smiling children. Children who sit all day long, who will never feel their legs burn or their lungs burst with air. But they continue to smile. During every single run, I am overwhelmed by this. My complaining heart is convicted because I have legs. Maybe not legs that run fast, but they can run. Something most all of the children right beside me will never be able to do. Running has a whole new meaning to me now. Yes, it is still exercise, a release, and alone time with the Lord...but it is a precious gift. I am reminded of
1 Corinthians 9:24--

"Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives a prize?Run in such a way that you may win."

Lord may we not run aimlessly, but run with purpose the race You have set before us.

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